Jaylon & Kim
"DIY Guardian's 5 Simple Step process and guidance saved my family a lot of time, frustration, and money when I applied for guardianship for my son!"
DIY Guardianship

Removing the cost and frustration from the guardianship application process.

Cassie, Chris, & CJ
"DIY Guardianship provides peace of mind through education while saving you thousands of dollars along the way...Fee waiver approved!...I'm ready for the next steps!"


1:1 Forms Completion &

"5 Simple Step" Guidance!

I believe in simplifying legal processes to make them less intimidating, less expensive and more accessible to everyone.

DIY Guardianship is the perfect intersection of my legal and Lean Six Sigma training. It provides you with a streamlined, 5 Simple Step approach to the guardianship application process that will save you time, money, and confusion.

Retaining an attorney to establish guardianship WILL cost between $4,000 and $6,000: attorney for the Applicant $2-3,000, attorney for the Protected Person $2-$3,000, $279 filing fee, $400 court investigator fee, $35 for each certified copy of the order and possibly more!

You don't need to retain an attorney -- unless your matter is contested. You just need guidance FROM an attorney.

I created the DIY Guardianship's In-Person Forms Completion & Process Guidance in response to student feedback. 1:1 Forms Completion and 5 Simple Step Process offers a more personalized option by providing a 1:1 forms completion session; a binder containing the completed forms organized in the 5 Simple Step process; Guidance Sheets for each of the 5 Simple Steps; the 5 Simple Step Course slides for additional support; bonus post-hearing information; and, access to me throughout the process.

Call or email to inquire about services, pricing, and scheduling.

623.680.5933 mobile

[email protected]

DIY Guardianship Products & Services

Note: All applicable, published products are updated with the Arizona Supreme Court Application for Deferral or Waiver 5-page form.

FREE DIY Guardianship Course Introduction

Meet series creator, Veronica Ragland, and hear how she is developing a guardianship practice.

Enroll to watch the Introduction for FREE!

DIY Guardianship Course
5 Simple Steps to Guardianship

Enroll and receive guardianship process guidance in 5 Simple Steps for the cost of the filing fee, which is waived with a successful Step 1 outcome.

DIY Guardianship Course
Step 1: Request Fee Waiver

Enroll in Step 1 Request Fee Waiver for guidance/forms to request a waiver of ALL fees when applying on behalf of a Protected Person.

DIY Guardianship Forms: Maricopa County AZ

Download includes the SAMPLE Arizona Guardianship Petition Forms, completed with fictitious data to guide the forms completer. 

30-Minute Coaching Session by Course Creator

Book a 30-Minute coaching to ask questions about the guardianship process, generally, and DIY Guardianship products, specifically.

Pima County AZ Support!

DIY Guardianship is testing its first case in Pima County client! Pima County course and forms products will be developed at case conclusion.

Salima's List

Salima is the inspiration for both DIY Guardianship and Salima's List, a search tool used to Discover, Contribute, and Connect with developmental supports and services. Tap the picture to connect to www.SalimasList.com.

Know your options when your loved one turns 18. Raising Special Kids holds training and posted the following video on YouTube to help families understand options. https://youtu.be/nHps2vQ6Hrs?si=fjeIavkjA8_2Tr1J

Connect with Veronica via email at [email protected] or mobile at 623.680.5933.